Before hiring military defense lawyers, do your research to find the best court martial lawyer for your particular case. As military defense lawyers who have defended service members around the world in both court-martial cases and administrative separation boards, Michael Waddington and Alexandra González-Waddington are known for being aggressive, fearless, and hard-hitting. We have successfully defended hundreds of military members falsely accused of Article 120 UCMJ sexual offenses. Despite overwhelming odds, our firm has successfully defended cases in Korea, Japan, Iraq, Kuwait, and other cities around the world. Do your homework when looking for the best court-martial lawyer for your military sexual assault Article 120 case.
Our court-martial defense lawyers have a history of winning cases at trial, so prosecutors take them seriously.
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Court-martial defense attorney
UCMJ defense lawyer
Military legal defense
Military defense lawyer Weston FL
Court-martial attorney Weston FL
Best military lawyer Weston FL
Weston FL military legal defense
Military court-martial defense Weston FL
UCMJ attorney Weston FL
Military sexual assault lawyer Weston FL
Military defense law firm Weston FL